Practice Specialties
Relationship Issues
Relationship dilemmas in adulthood often (but not always!) have their start in childhood. Emotional responses and behavior patterns that had been adaptive can become problematic later in life. Sometimes we can actually notice the old pattern emerging in a new relationship but not know how to move beyond it. I chose to become a Relational psychotherapist because I can help people identify the same old patterns occurring in their relationship with me! This gives us a special opportunity to catch it as it happens, to see what is underneath it, and then, to let it change. True emotional Intimacy, for example, is a way of relating that depends on early experiences of trust and safety. It happens spontaneously. When a person feels threatened by closeness and behaves in a guarded way, the relationship with me, their therapist, may be the start of opening up. This risk taking can then generalize to relationships in the person's outside life. Other relationship concerns include loneliness, competition, school achievement, family, siblings, marriage, friendships,and - last but not least - your relationship to your Self!
Self esteem is another kind of relationship issue; feeling worthy and being appreciated are experiences that give children the resilience to take reasonable risks later in life. Self-worth, self-respect, self-confidence, self-harm, self-control, sense of self are all examples of self-esteem concerns.
Crises, Life Transitions and Turning Points
Whether you are struggling with a sudden crisis or the natural evolution of moving from one stage of life to another, you could benefit greatly from psychotherapy.
Personality Style
Personality issues arise when an individual is overly rigid and unable to adapt their behavior sensitively to differing situations. There are different forms of personality issues but they all involve fixed patterns of thinking, emoting and behaving in ways that are not sensitive to others. Some examples are overly vulnerable, unstable, sensitive, reactive, detached, overly dependent, mistrustful, impulsive, self-harming, controlling, critical, self-centered, perfectionistic, self-sacrificing, eccentric, loner.
Newcomers to New York
New York is a great city, but it can be very lonely and alienating for those living here from afar, for college, business or marriage.
Symptoms are signs that someone is having trouble functioning in a smooth and effective way. Symptoms are painful, confusing and exhausting. While some symptoms may require medication, many other symptoms will respond to a deeper process of psychotherapy. Depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, mood, flashbacks, disorganization, detachment, dissociation, impulsivity, mind body issues, somatic or medical problems - these are signs of distress that need to be taken seriously by a thoughtful and well-trained psychotherapist.
Women's Issues
Life alone (by choice or circumstance), menopause, adult children issues. I am a member of The Women's Mental Health Consortium,
Men's Issues
Career dilemmas, parenting, aging, difficulty expressing emotion, loneliness.
Who comes to work with me?
Individuals, couples, families, groups and therapeutic communities.
Clinical Supervision
I provide advanced clinical and administrative supervision to other professionals individually and in groups.
More Services - From A Diagnostic Perspective
Attention Deficit Disorder, Adjustment disorders, Affective disorders (depression, bipolar and other mood disorders), Anxiety disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and others), Complex Post Traumatic Disorders, Depression and other mood Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Eating disorders (Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa), Personality Disorders, all types, Somatization Disorders, Neurodiversity.